Musings by Samuel

A blog with musings, observations, and ideas by Samuel Febres, of samuel febres photography & design on technology, life, and arts. 

A Toddler's View of New York City

Radio City Music Hall from the perspective of a toddler.

Radio City Music Hall from the perspective of a toddler.

What a great idea! I came across this post in the NYTimes Lens blog where Diego Acosta Lopez, a student at the School of Visual Arts wanted to capture his son's first visit to New York City from his point of view.

To accomplish this task he attached a GoPro camera inside his son's stroller and set it to take a photo every 10 seconds as they walked around the city.

Diego had this to say about his project:

“His favorite place was a park in Queens, where there was a pond,” Mr. Acosta said. “There was a lot of sunshine, the leaves were still colorful. And he loved Times Square not just because of the lights. Mickey Mouse and Spider-Man were there, too.”

The photos he captured came out great! In particular, the ones where a plastic cover over the stroller provide a very unique feel and perspective to the project. 

Read the article and view more of the photos by visiting